P. Raja

How Shobhaa De Came To My Study!

Two decades ago, a stranger was found wandering in the premises of the college where I rendered my service as an English teacher. He became

Search For Your Teacher

An emperor once ruled a very vast country and yet was not content with what he was blessed. Like Alexander, the Great he prided in

Success is the child of audacity

Sometime in the 4th Century B.C. a master was teaching his disciple the art of playing marbles. The game needed just two little balls made

Right Path To The Palace Of Peace

Who in this world is free from the fangs of sorrow? Who in this world is free from the clutches of tension? And who never

Tales The Epitaphs Tell

“Here this tomb suffices a man for whom the whole world was not sufficient”. This is the inscription found on the tombstone of Alexander the

Wit Is Light Cleverness

The royal feast was drawing to a close. Emperor Akbar, who always loved to cut a joke at Birbal’s expense, silently shifted the fruit peels

On Reading Books For Pleasure

Parents of today ask a very funny question: “Why should we go for the pleasure of reading when there are several other things around that

Laughter Is The Music Of The Soul

The Roman Emperor Agrippa (63-12 B.C.) one day discovered to his dismay that he had a Greek slave who was almost a double for Agrippa.

Love Teaches Even Asses To Dance

Have you ever received a love letter in your life? If ‘no’, then you are a waste on earth. Have you ever sent a love