Sudip Bandyopadhyay

Global Markets – Risks & Opportunities

The collapse across asset markets at the end of last year surprised many. Global equities suffered their biggest annual loss since the financial crisis struck

Agricultural Loan Waivers – Boon Or Bane

In his book ..And Forgive Them Their Debts, American economist, Michael Hudson re-examined the history of lending. The period that particularly excites Mr Hudson is

Trade War and Domestic Liquidity

Calling the end of the global trading system is now a tradition that stretches back two decades. The bursting of the 1990s tech bubble; the

NBFCs and Economic Outlook

When South Koreans began to worry that online video games were addling the minds of a generation of teenagers, politicians came up with a plan

Trade War, Oil and Indian Markets

Having spent a long time hoping that it was all bluster, the world’s investors, companies and policymakers have been forced to admit that a trade

Trade war that US is highly unlikely to win

Donald Trump  recently announced tariffs and other measures designed to punish China for its unfair industrial policies and theft of intellectual property. The Chinese promised